

研究合规 Office Hours – 2024-2025

The ORSP’s 研究合规 Administrator, Dr. 克拉贝尔·托雷斯,可以 answer questions related to research activities and give guidance for preparing an IRB或IACUC提案.

 For one-on-one personalized assistance, please contact us to make an 任命 during our regular office hours (周一 thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. 至下午5时.m.)

Send us an 任命 request to: juirb@pulounge.com 

STUDENT RESEARCHERS: 教师 mentors are required to attend the one-on-one sessions. 


杰克逊维尔大学 recognizes that an 院校检讨委员会 is an indispensable body regarding oversight of research activities undertaken by its faculty, staff, 和学生. As research activities often involve the potential for abuse of a subject's autonomy and / or privacy rights, 杰克逊维尔大学 has developed this board to ensure that the rights of all research subjects are protected. 所有研究都表明 involves human subjects, tissues/specimens, data/records, or surveys requires review 并获得IRB的批准. Researchers may not collect data from human subjects until 在获得审查委员会批准后.

JU's IRB is maintained according to its 标准操作程序,并遵从 45 CFR 46 (“通用规则”)和 贝尔蒙特的报告. 研究办公室 & 赞助项目 provides administrative support to the JU IRB, and helps to facilitate 审查过程 for submissions. 

For instructions on how to submit a research proposal to the JU IRB, please see the 下面的参考资料.

Please Note: For industry-sponsored clinical trials, the JU IRB requires investigators to use an external IRB for all protocol reviews, amendments and continuing reviews. JU has partnered with Western IRB for all externally funded clinical trials, and WIRB submissions may be made directly through IRBNet.  研究发起人是负责任的 for the cost of the WIRB services, and these costs may be built into in the sponsored research agreement with the University. In the event a sponsor will not pay for the WIRB services, the college will be responsible for the cost.


The JU IRB is only accepting online submission through the platform IRBNet. In order to submit, you will have to build a User Profile using the 新用户注册指南. Additional training guides can be found below.

IRBNet也有 a database of research training resources. This is a free resource available to all JU faculty, staff 和学生. 用户名 is 杰克逊维尔 密码是 training1; you must be logged into IRBNet to access the training and education tools.


Each IRB submission must have certain forms and documents included in the submission in order to meet the requirements for approval. 这些表单的目的是收集数据 all the necessary information for the IRB to make an informed decision about the level 项目的风险. The forms also seek to anticipate the questions of the IRB 查看项目的评审人员. Even if the answers to the forms can be found in a larger research proposal document, the JU IRB requires that all investigators use the prescribed forms in order to streamline 审查过程.

The required forms for each project will vary based on the project design, though most every project will require a Protocol-Application (called the "Pro-App"), an Informed Consent Template, the Investigator Assurances page, and a data table outlining all the data points that will be collected. Any submissions with more than one investigator will require a Research Team Attachment. Student Investigators must have their faculty mentor complete the required forms and sign off on them. 如果你有任何问题 about which forms need to be included in your submission, please contact the IRB Administrator.

The most current versions of the forms are available in the Forms and Template 图书馆 在IRBNet. To access these forms, log into IRBNet or create an account.





内部审查委员会的会议在 2nd 周一 每个月的. 文书工作的 高风险 协议要求 董事会全体 评估(does not apply for exempt or expedited applications) should be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. (EST)提交截止日期. 点击这里查看IRB时间表

会议日期 提交截止日期
2024年1月8日 2023年12月26日
2024年2月12日 2024年1月29日
2024年3月11日 2024年2月26日
2024年4月8日 2024年3月25日
二零二四年五月十四日 2024年4月29日
2024年6月10日 2024年5月27日
2024年7月8日 2024年6月24日
2024年8月12日 2024年7月29日
2024年9月9日 2024年8月26日
2024年10月14日 2024年9月30日
2024年11月11日 2024年10月28日
2024年12月9日 2024年11月25日


JU's Federalwide Assurance: FWA00020200

JU's IRB Registration number: IRB00009290

JU's IORG Registration number: IORG0007742


Email The 杰克逊维尔大学 院校检讨委员会 at juirb@pulounge.com.



Dr. Claribel Torres-Lugo

研究合规 Coordinator, IRB Administrator

Dr. 罗伯塔·克里斯托弗


  • 电子邮件地址  rchrist6@pulounge.com
  • 电话号码  (904) 256-7287